Cosmetic Mole Removal

quick and safe removal of unwanted moles RF Mole removal



Remove unwanted moles, seborrhoeic keratosis and skin tags with radiofrequency (RF) technology at The R Clinic. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and doesn’t involve incisions of the skin, making it a quick and easy treatment with minimal to no scarring.

How it works

RF ablative technology involves the use of high energy radio waves to remove lesions from the skin, whilst simultaneously minimising any thermal damage to adjacent tissue to ensure minimal scarring. Radiofrequency energy is delivered through a device with a pen-like tip. When radio waves interact with tissues, it will generate heat and turn water into steam. As a result, this causes cutting and coagulation of the skin cells and blood vessels.

Skin lesions such as mole (naevus), aging spots (seborrheic keratoses), skin tag, angioma, benign sweat gland tumors (syringoma), and sebaceous gland overgrowth (sebaceous hyperplasia) can be easily treated with this RF technology.

Why we use Cosmetic Mole Removal?

At The R Clinic, we use RF technology for its safety and efficacy in removing moles and skin lesions. Radiosurgery is better than other procedures for cosmetic, minimal-scaring mole removal for several reasons:

Superior control in precisely shaving off the skin lesion

Less scarring due to less transfer of heat/burning surrounding tissues

Less pain and swelling, quicker recovery

Less bleeding during and after procedure

Expected result

Results are visible immediately. There is typically some degree of redness that occurs after treatment but this fades over time and the final result is usually achieved within a period of 2-3 months. When using this technique, it is important to avoid over-correction. As a result of this conservative approach, it may sometimes be necessary to perform a touch-up procedure several weeks later.

  • Treatment Time – 40 Mins
  • Discomfort – Mild (local anaesthetics used)
  • Recovery – 3 Days

Preparation and Aftercare


Prior to your procedure, a consultation will be required to determine your requirements and review your medical history – both factors are an important part of tailoring your treatment plan. The doctor will examine your mole or lump using a dermoscope which magnifies and lights the mole or lump with a polarised light, allowing your doctor to detect small structures and diagnose it and decide whether cosmetic removal is appropriate.

During procedure

The doctor will usually inject a small amount of local anaesthetic into the skin around your mole. A radiofrequency instrument is then used to safely shape and flatten the lesion. Blood vessels are sealed in the process, hence there is no bleeding. Immediately following surgery, there is usually a slightly indented area with a pale tan base. Depending on the location, your wound will be dressed with a plastic film, a small Band-Aid, or a spray-on film dressing.


  • Antiseptic cream should be applied for 3 – 5 days. An antibiotic ointment may be prescribed.
  • Avoid getting the treated area wet as this increases the chance of infection.
  • Avoid sweat inducing activities for 2 days.
  • When cleansing the treated areas, use gentle cleansers as recommended. Pat the skin dry with a towel. Do not rub the skin as this may cause premature removal of scabs.
  • Never pick or pull at any scabs or flaky skin. This is to avoid infection, hyper/hypopigmentation and scarring.
  • Sunblock should be worn, and direct sun exposure avoided.
  • Avoid skincare products with active ingredients for 7 days.

Pricing & Packages

Cosmetic Mole Removal

  • Mole removal – 1 mole (not including intimate area) $650
  • Each subsequent mole (not including intimate area) $150
  • Mole removal – 1 mole (intimate area) $850
  • Each subsequent mole (intimate area) $250


Have further questions or want to learn more?

Contact Us
Is Radio-Frequency mole removal safe?

Radiofrequency mole and skin lesion removal is safe and has a low rate of complications. Even without special aftercare, most people are satisfied with the cosmetic result. You can further reduce the risk of scarring and speed the wound healing by following the aftercare instructions recommended by us.

Will my skin lesions recur?

The most common problem following cosmetic removal of a raised mole or skin lesion is re-growth of the mole. This sometimes happens if mole cells are left behind at the time of treatment — usually the result of the doctor attempting to remove the minimum possible amount of tissue. If this happens with any radiofrequency mole removal procedure performed at The R Clinic, we are happy to re-treat the re-grown mole at no out of pocket expense to you.

What are the risks involved?

The risk of scarring is minimal. although it’s our experience that the lesions can be removed without scars. However there is no guarantee that you won’t scar because certain individuals are prone to scarring and keloid formation. Some ethnic skin types are prone to post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (darkening of the treated areas). Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation normally will resolve, however this takes time. The process can be sped up with the use of creams and light therapy.

What are the contraindications for the surgery?

Radiosurgery should not be performed if you:

  • Have a pacemaker or defibrillator
  • Are currently pregnant

We don’t recommend radiofrequency mole removal surgery for people with dark skin due to the relatively higher risk of overgrown scars or discoloured skin after the procedure.

How many treatments do I need?

The number of sessions required will depend on depth of pigments and number of lesions. It is common to have repeated treatments for bigger and/or raised lesions. Repeated treatments are required to “shrink” the lesion or destroy the pigments. This is done 2-4 weeks apart until the lesions are gone. The entire process may take months.

How long does radiofrequency mole removal take to heal?

Usually, we apply small strip of dressing to help protect the area for 24-48 hours. You will notice mild scabbing upon treated areas and some swelling and redness. When the scabs shed off, you may notice that the area becomes slightly pink. Gradually the skin will return to normal colour. The recovery time is approximately 7 to 10 days in most cases.


Before & After
  • RF Mole Removal
  • RF Mole Removal
  • RF Mole Removal
  • RF Mole Removal
  • RF Mole Removal
  • RF Mole Removal