Learn how to best prepare for your FUE hair transplant procedure and care for your newly transplanted hair with these instructions and tips from Dr Wen.
- It is advised that 3 days prior to your procedure, you should have your hair cut using an electric shaver with a guard gauge of “zero” from the nape of neck all the way up to the ears (spanning from ear to ear). This can be tapered into a crew cut
- Wash your hair the day before surgery with your regular shampoo
- Do not drink alcohol or caffeine the night before or the morning of your procedure
- Wear a button-down shirt
- Your physician will walk through the procedure again with you to ensure that you are happy with the hairline design
- Our team will help you get into a comfort gown and shave the back of scalp to skin level in preparation for the procedure
- We can provide you pre-medications that help you reduce your anxiety and reduce level of pain while receiving local anaesthetic to numb your scalp
- Once scalp is numb, your surgeon will procced to extract your hair individually from the donor site. This process usually takes 3-4 hours.
- You will have a lunch break. We cater to all dietary requirements.
- In the afternoon, your surgeon will again provide local anaesthesia to the recipient site where incisions are made into the targeted area of the scalp controlled for depth, angulation, direction, and density.
- Grafts are then carefully placed to match the nature hair direct which will eventually flourish into your desired hairstyle
- Avoid all contact to donor site and newly implanted grafts (recipient site)
- Continue to use saline spray every 30 minutes to keep recipient site moist
- Sleep in an elevated position for the first 2 night. It is best to use 2-3 pillows under your upper body or use neck pillow under your neck.
- Use Panadol based medication for pain relieve. No Ibuprofen, Aspirin or blood thinners of any kind
- Scabbing or itching are common. Do not pick these scabs as this can cause scarring or graft dislodgement.
- To control minor bleeding, apply gentle pressure on the area with either dampened gauze pad or cotton buds. Press only, do not rub.
What to expect post FUE procedure?
In the first 1-3 months following hair transplant, the newly transplanted hairs usually become dormant and will shed before growing again in 4-12 months. It may take 9-12 months before the full result will be realised.
Mar 2023